ATK Scooters is produced by Autotecnika, a leading international company in technology, dedicated to the development of multimedia sound equipment and accessories for vehicles, with corporate clients such as Nissan, Mitsubishi, Toyota, and others.
At the Latin American level. We have distributors in Peru, Colombia, Bolivia, Uruguay, Ecuador, and Chile, in addition to the parent company in the United States, and its development subsidiary in Hong Kong.
Autotecnika launches in Chile its new line of products, ATK-Scooters, which are developed under the high quality standards required by the North American market, attractive and avant-garde designs, and high-level features. Autotecnika has a high quality technical service, in each of the countries where it is present, which allows to quickly resolve post-sale problems, or directly repair or change components.

Autotecnika launches in Chile its new line of products, ATK-Scooters, which are developed under the high quality standards required by the North American market, attractive and avant-garde designs, and high-level features. Autotecnika has a high quality technical service, in each of the countries where it is present, which allows to quickly resolve post-sale problems, or directly repair or change components.